Nigerian national anthem changes (again)

We all think of national anthems as essential parts of our national identities that have been there… forever. But the Nigerian national […]

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Writing a song using AI

I decided I’d try my hand at writing a song with AI. Just so you know, I’m a lyricist that never writes […]

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Israel should not be banned at the Eurovision

UPDATE: As I suspected, Israel has not been banned, but agreed to change the lyrics somewhat. The song is now called “Hurricane”. […]

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Will Lara Trump really release a Tom Petty song?

Politicians misusing songs is a tradition by now. But Lara Trump is bringing a new angle to the practice. In 2020, Tom […]

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Iran’s Mehdi Yarrahi prosecuted for headscarf song

Earlier in 2023, the world was moved by the Iranian women that campaigned against the obligation to wear a headscarf in public. […]

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Writing a song for crowd-funded movie “KM Zero”

I got a message from co-writer Yves Erauw on a Saturday night two weeks back: “Check this tune. It’s for a movie […]

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