Steve Willaert & ChiBeJa concert dates in Belgium

Steve Willaert & ChiBeJa concert dates in Belgium

ChiBeJa belgiumOne of my writing partners, Steve Willaert (known for his soundtracks for movies such as “Hell in Tangier”, “Stille Water” and “Vermist”, has just announced concert dates for an ambitious project he put together with a bunch of multinational musicians.

ChiBeJa features Chinese flautist (and Real World artist) Guo Yue, Japanese drum master Ryutaro Kaneko, dancers Gerlo Geverien and Christiaan De Donder and singer Chantal Kashala. It took me a little time, but I eventually worked out the name is an acronym of “China -Belgium – Japan”.

They promise to play extracts of “Stille Water” and compositions combining the multiple influences of the performers.

Click through for the concert dates.
ChiBeJa dates in Belgium, October 2010

* zaterdag 3 oktober 2009
CC Casino Beringen
* zaterdag 10 oktober 2009
CC De Plomblom Ninove
* zondag 11 oktober 2009
CC Ter Dilft Bornem
* vrijdag 16 oktober 2009
Arenberg Schouwburg Antwerpen
* zaterdag 17 oktober 2009
CC De Biekorf
* donderdag 22 oktober 2009
Schouwburg Kortrijk
* vrijdag 23 oktober 2009
De Spil Roeselare
* woensdag 28 oktober 2009
Stadsschouwburg Sint-Niklaas
* vrijdag 30 oktober 2009
Stadsschouwburg Brugge
* zaterdag 31 oktober 2009
Cultuurcentrum Hasselt

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