Premiering new songs with Yves Erauw
Premiering new songs with Yves Erauw

Songwriting can beĀ a long process. When you write with someone in mind, it can be either easier or harder – depending on the singer. With Yves Erauw, it’s both. Getting the songs down is relatively painless, but working on the arrangements is more complex as we are working towards a particular sound.
So it’s nice to be able to break up the writing/arranging cycle and get out of the house for a concert. If you’re in Brussels on July 21, drop by the Place St Josse after 10.30pm, as Yves will be playing with The Elites and premiering at least two new songs: “U Better be Good” and “The Other Woman”. There will also be a firework show after the gig.
Place: Place St Josse, Brussels
Date July 21 (Belgian National Holiday)
Time: 10.30pm
that will get me out of the house