Writing a song for crowd-funded movie “KM Zero”

Writing a song for crowd-funded movie “KM Zero”
I got a message from co-writer Yves Erauw on a Saturday night two weeks back: “Check this tune. It’s for a movie being produced. What do you think?” I thought the modern blues-rock track he sent had balls. I had an idea about the tone of voice on Sunday morning and wrote it down. By the time we spoke on Sunday afternoon, “Driving Down the Highway” (his title) was already half-done.
Michael: “When’s the première?”
Hold your horses there, boy.
Getting Km Zero on the road
This is “Km Zéro” (Kilomètre Zéro) a tragicomic western set in Nevada (but to be shot in Spain), helmed by Patrick Glotz, director of “Belgian Disaster”. The pitch? A manic-depressive hires a hit-man with principles to kill him in the desert and complications ensue.
The film is already in production. The crowd-funding of €16,500 only covers the out-of-pocket expenses of the actual shoot.

Meanwhile, back in the studio
We’re in the process of finishing the recording as I write this, and it’s going well. We’re discovering the subtleties of adapting a standalone song to the format of a movie. We’ve notably changed the amount of “space” you leave in a song when on-screen. Bits and pieces will also drift in and out of the narrative.
And then there are the longish credits (if you throw a few euros into the fund, you too can get your name in lights – you’ll also be helping me and Yves get onto the big screen). [UPDATE: as of June 1, 2023, the film is currently 83% funded with three weeks to go – you still have a chance to help us]. At this stage, we think the credits will largely be instrumental.
I don’t get asked to do songs for movies very often. In fact the last time was for the movie “Vermist/Missing“. If you have a project in mind, feel free to get in touch.