LyricFind enables fans to find tour dates etc

LyricFind enables fans to find tour dates etc
Good news if you are a band and your lyrics are in the LyricFind database. The company is now rolling out an application that will allow information about the band to posted alongside the lyrics. Together with BandPage, a platform for more than 500,000 musician, they will place musicians’ tour dates and direct-to-fan stores next to the lyrics fans search for online. Musicians will be able to target fans with appropriate artist-related info.
Band info alongside lyrics
“Music fans search for lyrics on Google more than anything else in the music space and fans that search for lyrics usually represent an individual that is a super-fan of the artist they searched for,” said J Sider, CEO and founder, BandPage. “Given that these lyric sites attract massive amounts of these highly qualified super fans, we should see higher conversion rates through these stores and for these tour dates than the typical ways of reaching and monetizing fans.”
LyricFind partner-site SongMeanings will be the first website to implement this integration, allowing artists to sell tickets as well as music or merchandising through their BandPage Store to millions of fans each month. SongMeanings is a site where music fans connect over songs, lyrics and artists that they love and serves up over 30 million song searches each month.
LyricFind is a central online profile to reach, engage and monetize millions of fans, has teamed up with LyricFind serves more than 5 billion lyric displays per year to sites such as SongMeanings,, LyricsMode, LyricsFreak, Sing365 and Lyrics007.
Focus on performers, not lyricists
My take is that although this is a great initiative, it leaves a major part of the community in the cold. The focus again – which is understandable – is on the performer of the song, not the writer. But I still think it’s an important development.