Yves Erauw: The Other Woman

Yves Erauw: The Other Woman

I got a call out of the blue a few months ago from Yves Erauw, one of the contestants in The Voice Belgique. I hadn’t seen him but am always interested in hearing good singers. It turns out, his version of “I Want to Know What Love Is” was a show-stopper, although he fell out of the programme a week or two later.

Anyway, we decided to knock a song out together, and he came up with the music for what is now “The Other Woman”. It’s a straightforward rocker, based on a simple idea in the lyrics: that music is “the other woman” for many musicians.

This came from a conversation I had with Boogie Boy many years ago (now better known as concert organiser Paul Ambach, one of the judges in “Belgium’s Got Talent”). I asked him if his wife didn’t mind that he was on the road so much. He replied, “My wife knows I was married to the blues before I met her”, which struck me at the time. But to the wives of musicians out there: as often happens when there’s another woman, the musicians always end up coming home anyway!

The recording for “The Other Woman” was brilliant, as we had the support of three other The Voice Belgique contestants on backing vocals: Nelson, Daisy Hermans and Oliver Ghnassia. Look out for those names.

“The Other Woman” will be released in January 2013.

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