Interview on Club97 radio Friday March 25
Interview on Club97 radio Friday March 25
If you’re into the Internet radio scene and dance music, you might want to check Club97 radio, transmitting from New Jersey. It’s run by Mike Delaney, the former president of the 2 Unlimited fan club in the US, and who has been following the dance, Eurodance, techno and House scene for more years than we’d both care to mention.
He interviewed me recently about what it was like writing lyrics for 2 Unlimited, CB Milton and others. As usual, I talked way too much. So maybe you’ll find something of interest amongst the anecdotes and ramblings. Check here for Club97 Radio. The show goes out Friday March 25 at 8pm CET or 3pm SET.
Something I didn’t think to do is ask people what they would like to know about writing for these groups (just remember, I didn’t write all the hits – far from it!). So feel free to post a question. I’ll link to the interview afterwards.
For Club97 Radio listeners, here are the tracks I mostly talked about: Nothing Like the Rain and It’s a Loving Thing (which has just been re-released in a mix by Phil Wilde).
You can find the interview on the Club97 Radio site
It must be said: the jock Mike Delaney did a wonderful job of editing out the effing and blinding!
Oops! The whole station has been pulled after a few months. Shame. So my interview has evaporated, “like tears in the rain” (anyone get the reference?).
The station did in fact die several years ago, but the interview lives on, whether in the rain or not.