Here’s a quickie Q&A with NY guitarist Arto Lindsay from Nov. 2000 that was done for a web interview. Reading it again, I can’t believe I asked some of this stuff to his face – or that Arto answered straight to camera for that matter!
Favourite cultural pursuit: Reading
The book that changed your life: Les Fleurs du Mal by Baudelaire.
Desert island disc?: Are You experienced? by Jimi Hendrix.
Favourite World composer: Johnny Cash. I refuse the racist, colonial notion of World music.
What music will they play at your funeral?That made by shovels.
What was playing in your head as you lost your virginity?Probably something by Sly Stone.
Last film you saw: Dancer in the Dark. Björk is incredible and I loved the music. But the movie didn’t knock me out.
Favourite magazines: The New York Times Review of Books and on the road I pick up Italian Vogue.
Guilty cultural pleasure: Baseball.
Embarrassing gap in your culture: Languages. I wish I’d learned Latin and Greek even though I do speak Portuguese and Italian. I can’t read music, but that’s not embarrassing.
Rock on johny cash, he really was a great composer